QEDC Chair Brad Little Amongst Awards Winners at the 2020 Quinte Business Achievement Awards
October 26, 2020
On Friday October 23, over 200 people logged in to watch live via YouTube the 2020 Quinte Business Achievement Awards (QBAA). Due to COVID-19 social distancing restrictions, the QBAA was held was held primarily virtually this year with a small group of 15 people gathered to help announce and present the awards at the Ramada Inn, Belleville.
The awards, which had 117 businesses nominated for awards this year, are put together by the chambers of commerce of Belleville, Quinte West, Prince Edward County and Brighton.
Quinte Economic Development Commission (QEDC) Chairman Brad Little received the Businessperson of the Year.
BCS Automation, received the Manufacturing / Industrial Business of the Year Award.
The QEDC was proud to support the event as a silver level sponsor. Below, is the complete list of winners:
- Brad Little, Businessperson of the Year
- Rose, Hospitality/Tourism Business of the Year
- Kinsip House of Fine Spirits, Trailblazer of the Year
- Birdhouse Nature Store, Retail Business of the Year
- O’Flynn Weese LLP, Regulate Profession Business of the Year
- Clearview Training, Specialized Service Business of the Year
- FloorTrends, Business Excellence
- Quinte Waste Solutions, Sustainability Business
- Steve Veenstra of SV Plumbing and Heating, Young Entrepreneur
- Tasmont Plumbing, Trades and Construction Business of the Year
- BCS Automation, Manufacturing/Industrial Business of the Year
- Axes and Allies, New Business of the Year
- Belleville General Hospital Foundation, Not for Profit Business of the Year
- Lighthall Vineyards Inc., Agribusiness of the Year
- Hitchon Hearing Centre, Health and Wellness Business of the Year