Trenval EODP Funding Recognized in Supporting QEDC Initiatives

September 5, 2018

The Quinte Economic Development Commission (QEDC) is benefiting from an investment announced today by Trenval Business Development Corporation and Neil Ellis, Member of Parliament for the Bay of Quinte.

Trenval BDC is pleased to provide support for manufacturing sector development with an investment of $535,459 under the Eastern Ontario Development Program. QEDC has received this funding over a period of 5 years under this program. In response to economic challenges and opportunities that are affecting the region, the funding will provide incremental support and resources to further enhance the region’s industrial sector for continued development and success.

QEDC helps existing industries improve their performance, access new markets and compete globally. In addition, this project will increase and enhance investment attraction activities to add to the growing industrial base.

The Eastern Ontario Development Program (EODP) advances economic development in rural eastern Ontario. Through EODP, the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) is collaborating with Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) in eastern Ontario and the Eastern Ontario Community Futures Development Corporations Network Inc. (EOCFDC Network) to advance economic development by promoting the growth of new and existing businesses in rural communities.


“The Government of Canada is committed to supporting businesses with access to development resources that will allow them to grow and expand into new markets. I am proud of this investment, which will help local manufacturing businesses to scale-up quickly and become globally competitive, contributing to the creation of jobs and greater sustainability in the region,”
Neil Ellis, Member of Parliament for the Bay of Quinte.

The EODP program has provided the necessary funds to allow the Bay of Quinte manufacturing sector to continue to thrive. This investment has been met with additional investment of over
$535 thousand dollars and has supported new manufacturing investment attraction and retention. We are fortunate to have this program available to support the local economy”
Chris King, CEO of Quinte Economic Development Commission.

“Funding to support startups, expansions and the attraction of out-of-region businesses have had a significant impact on job creation and has improved the larger business environment within the Quinte area. Companies in the area are more innovative and competitive as a direct result of the this EODP funding. Trenval is proud to support the over 80 businesses who have received funding through EODP with over $2 Million in the last five years”
Amber Darling, Executive Director, Trenval Business Development Corporation.

Quick Facts

Quinte Economic Development Commission (QEDC) is an incorporated not-for-profit agency, representing the City of Belleville, the Municipality of Brighton, and the City of Quinte West. The QEDC’s mandate is to promote economic development for its member municipalities through the implementation of regional investment attraction marketing strategies, as well as supporting existing industries through effective regional retention programs.
Trenval Business Development Corporation is one of the 15 Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) in eastern Ontario funded by the Eastern Ontario Development Program (EODP) through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario). CFDCs deliver a wide variety of programs and services to support community economic development and small business growth. They employ local staff and are each governed by a volunteer board of directors, made up of local residents representing the community.
The Eastern Ontario Development Program is a $48-million economic development initiative focused on addressing economic challenges in Eastern Ontario and taking advantage of innovative opportunities in the region. Resulting in long-term economic development investments and collaborative projects that will benefit eastern Ontario businesses and communities.

Associated Links

Eastern Ontario Development Program
• Quinte Economic Development Commission


Amber Darling, Executive Director
Trenval Business Development Corporation
613-961-7999 Ext 225


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Chris King, Ec. D.

Chief Executive Officer

1-613-961-7990 Ext. 231

Email Chris King, Ec. D.

Vicki Bristow Ferguson

Business Development Officer

1-613-961-7990 Ext. 230

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Mike Hewitt

Coordinator, MRC

1-613-961-7990 Ext. 226

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Rachael Lamb

Administrative Assistant

1-613-961-7990 Ext. 228

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